Approx. 55 PTIC heifers, 14 Cows and Calves, and 21 heifers NDP. The heifers have been joined to Good Quality Angus bulls. The PTIC heifers have been vet tested and are 1-8months in calf. The heifers weighed 190-390kg to ave. 299kg. They are BrahmanX, Shorthorn and ShorthornX and are plain quality. The calves are from fresh to weaners and look to weigh from 70-180kg to ave. 120kg. There is 1 heifer with dog bitten ear, 1 heifers with pink eye, 1 heifers with a pooped Blue eye. Please view photos and video for indication of type and quality. Heifers are located in Cloncurry yards and are ready for immediate inspection and delivery. Cattle previously listed on Auctions Plus.
Asking Price: $580 with calves thrown in.