• Yarding Numbers: 2,233
  • Location: Charters Towers
  • Date: November 13, 2024

Charters Towers Combined Agents yarded a total of 2,233 Cattle, consisting of 1,083 Prime Cattle and 1,372 Store Cattle. The Prime Cattle consisted of 209 Bullocks, 247 Heifers, 334 Cows and 293 Bulls. The Store section consisted of 879 Steers, 493 Heifers and 64 Cows & Calves.

Cattle comprised of a mixed yarding with better quality lines selling competitively, with Bulls selling to very solid competition. The yarding was drawn from Mt Isa, Torrens Creek, Hughenden and Croydon, as well as local and coastal areas.

Prime Quotes: Bullocks were quoted Firm, Heifers were 10¢ dearer, Cows were 20¢ dearer and Bulls were 5¢ dearer, on last week’s rates.

Description Category Wt. Range kg Head Price in cents/kg
Lowest Average Highest
Steers & Bullocks Medium Up to 500kg 139 200 295 332
Heavy Over 500kg 70 270 318 334
Heifers Medium Up to 540kg 247 180 264 282
Cows Medium Up to 400kg 115 156 207 250
Heavy Over 400kg 219 206 251 282
Bulls Medium Up to 450kg 222 70 207 298
Heavy Over 600kg 71 140 278 306
  • Bullocks topped at 334¢/kg on a/c Paul Minuzzo, “Borgberos”, Charters Towers that weighed 646kg to return $2,146 per head.
  • Best priced trade Heifers were presented on a/c AJ & CM Bethel, “Jones Valley”, Hughenden that sold for 280¢/kg and weighed 520kg to return $1,457 per head.
  • The top pen of Cows was sold by a/c R & L Philipson, Pentland for 276¢/kg, weighing 590kg to return $1,629 per head.
  • Bulls sold on a/c D & A Forster, Pentland, topped at 306¢/kg and weighed 720kg, to return $2,204 per head.

Store Quotes: Store cattle were of mixed quality and condition and sold to a dearer market with stronger competition on the lighter cattle. Steers found 10-15c extra, while Heifers reached 5-10c above last weeks

Description Wt. Range kg Head Price in cents/kg
Lowest Average Highest
Steers Up to 200kg 87 155 255 280
200 – 320kg 347 142 267 310
320 – 400kg 138 230 278 310
Over 400kg 3 246 289 310
Mickeys Up to 450kg 304 70 210 298
Heifers Up to 200kg 105 204 238 264
200 – 320kg 332 150 234 278
Over 320kg 56 80 251 270
  • A pen of 19 Steers a/c SA Grazing, “Hopewell Park”, Torrens Creek made 310¢/kg and weighed 381kg, returning an average of $1,180 per head.
  • A good pen of 16 Heifers on a/c SA Grazing, “Hopewell Park”, Torrens Creek made 270¢/kg, weighed 338kg returning $912 per head.
  • 6 Cows & Calves sold on a/c LP Farming and Grazing; Forrest Beach returned $1,225 per unit.