• Yarding Numbers: 2,544
  • Location: Charters Towers
  • Date: November 20, 2024

Charters Towers Combined Agents yarded a total of 2,544 cattle, consisting of 1,131 prime cattle & 1,407 store cattle. The Prime cattle consisted of 118 Bullocks, 192 Heifers, 458 Cows and 363 Bulls. The Store cattle consisted of 716 Steers, 133 Mickeys, 543 Heifers and 15 Cows & Calves.

Cattle comprised of isolated pens of heavy, well finished Prime cattle and the remainder lacked weight and condition. There was good competition from processors and exporters on suitable pens. The yarding was drawn from Mt Isa, Cloncurry, Julia Creek, Richmond, Torrens Creek, Hughenden, Croydon, Mt Surprise, Atherton as well as local and coastal areas.

Prime Quotes: Bullocks were unchanged, Heifers were unchanged, Cows were 10¢ dearer and Bulls were 10¢ easier on last week’s rates.

Description Category Wt. Range kg Head Price in cents/kg
Lowest Average Highest
Steers & Bullocks Medium Up to 500kg 71 200 265 318
Heavy Over 500kg 47 180 300 345
Heifers Medium Up to 540kg 192 120 262 290
Cows Medium Up to 400kg 243 120 220 266
Heavy Over 400kg 214 218 260 288
Bulls Medium Up to 450kg 257 50 195 300
Heavy Over 450kg 106 80 255 286
  • Bullocks topped at 345¢/kg sold on A/c Peter J Reeves, Atherton that weighed 695kg to return a $2,399 per head.
  • Best priced trade Heifers were presented on A/c SA Grazing, “Hopewell Park”, Torrens Creek that sold for 290¢/kg and weighed 520kg to return $1,509 per head.
  • The top pen of Cows were sold by A/c SA Grazing, “Hopewell Park”, Torrens Creek for 284¢/kg, weighing 549kg to return $1,560 per head.
  • Bulls sold on A/c Gipsy Plains Cattle Co, “Gipsy Plains”, Cloncurry topped at 286¢/kg and weighed 837kg, to return $2,393 per head.

Store Quotes: Store cattle were made up of some good lines of lightweight Steers and Heifers which sold to strong competition from western and coastal restockers.

Description Wt. Range kg Head Price in cents/kg
Lowest Average Highest
Steers Up to 200kg 239 220 270 312
200 – 320kg 375 220 280 358
320 – 400kg 99 170 245 316
Over 400kg 3 150 225 270
Mickeys Up to 400kg 133 120 204 256
Heifers Up to 200kg 154 100 236 258
200 – 320kg 308 120 241 278
320 – 370kg 81 260 270 274
  • A pen of 31 Steers A/c KJ & MM Taylor, “Oaralat”, Mt Surprise made 358¢/kg and weighed 227kg, returning an average of $812 per head.
  • A good pen of 28 Heifers on A/c RG Keats & Co, “Bow Park”, Julia Creek made 278¢/kg, weighed 363kg returning $1,009 per head.
  • 13 x 13 Cows & Calves sold on A/c D & A Forster, “Stonington”, Pentland returned $935 per unit.