• Yarding Numbers: 3,142
  • Location: Emerald
  • Date: November 28, 2024

Numbers near trebled to 3142 head for this week’s Emerald combined sale. The majority were consigned from the more immediate area, quality & presentation varied from class to class. There was a fair sample of cows and heifers, however, feeder steers were by far best represented. Whilst weaners (steers or heifers) were mostly in smaller lots of varying breeds.

The processing sector was again well represented, however, the buyers didn’t have the vigour, the market easing around 10c across all categories, as per the table below. Heifers over 400kg with buyer interest from export, local & feeder buyers sold to 336c, however, a mixture of age and quality as well as condition saw the average ease by 18c.

A good run and supply of feeder steers sold well, but couldn’t maintain what could have been the dearest result in

Australia last week, those 400/500 kg the best sold to a very healthy 392c, the additional numbers and a bit more of a mix in breed helped the average ease 29c to 366c, thus this was still a very solid result. Steers 350/400kg produced the biggest numbers for the day, similar result here with a top of 390c to average 357c, there wasn’t enough steers in this class last sale to accurately quote a market trend. Steers 280/350kg sold from 230c to peak at 417c to average 322c firm, however, it really was a tale of 2 sales, those that meet buyer specs got rewarded & those that struggled. Short a couple of local buys from previous weeks, heifers 350/400kg in much better supply sold to a high of 325c to average 299c, close enough to firm on recent results, heifers 280/350kg once again found solid buyer interest, the market also close enough to firm with a top of 336c to average 300c.

In the weaner classes whilst numbers were limited, (no surprises there given the time of year) buyers were very

selective on males or females and once again it was a tale of 2 buyer accounts, in the steers there was sales to 370c and a above to top out at 417c & those off the pace or not in buyer specs 270c to 320c to end up with an average of 332c, an increase of 26c in the 200/280kg class, steers under 200kg too few to quote or draw conclusion. Weaner & yearling Heifers under 280kg, again, those preferred gained solid buyer competition to reach 324c the average lifted marginally to 279c, heifers under 200kg in slightly better numbers were mostly showing the signs of the need for an improvement in the season, most struggled to gain a lot of buyer attention with sales from 200c to 260c to average 236c.

There were no cows and calves offered.

STEERS Under 200kg 35 260 404 284
200 – 280kg 170 200 417 332
280 – 350kg 254 230 417 322
350 – 400kg 517 240 390 357
400 -500kg 421 276 392 366
BULLOCKS 500-550kg 74 264 340 317
550+ 117 310 337 330
HEIFERS Under 200kg 69 200 260 236
200 – 280kg 167 180 324 279
280 – 350kg 314 200 336 300
350 – 400kg 216 150 325 299
Over 400kg 154 250 336 298
COWS 300-400kgs 61 176 254 231
400 – 450kg 65 240 265 254
450-520kgs 190 150 290 263
Over 520kgs 251 200 282 273
BULLS Up to 450kg 21 228 278 258
450-600kg 12 240 304 272
Over 600kg 34 200 280 258
COWS & CALVES 0 0 0 0


Whitehead Pastoral Co, Springsure sold Droughtmaster x light weight weaner heifers weighing 197kg to 260c to return $513

Ian & Deanne Kirby, Emerald, sold Angus x steers to 380c with an average weight of 377kg and the lead making $1570

Colin & Lorna Baker, Capella sold Droughtmaster #2 heifers weighing 461kg to 295c to return $1361

Mitch & Jackie Stranks, sold Brahman cows with an average weight of 473kg to 266c, the lead returning $1308