• Yarding Numbers: 1,550
  • Location: Emerald
  • Date: August 29, 2024

Emerald agents offered 1,550 head for this weeks combined sale. Vendor support came from all local districts with a small samples from further afield. Quality was fair; however a fair percentage of the cattle are still recovering from a drier start to the cooler winter and overall, it was again a mixed offering with mostly small samples in all classes.

All regulars processing plants were represented most operated in a dearer market, the feedlot sector struggled to find suitable product & we are starting to see more involvement from the local producers chasing cattle to go back to grass.

Bullocks over 550kg sold to 345c to average up another 22c, Steers 500/550kg in small numbers with buyer interest from feedlots and processors made to 336c to average 325c, Cows over 520kg peaked at 295c with the sale improving as it went to average 283c up a further 13c, Medium Cows sold to 290c on occasion to average 268c, Light Cows under 450kg reportedly reached 273c with averages on 223c to 273c, Heifers over 400kg in lesser numbers topped at 316c the averaged eased 6c in line with the drop in numbers and performance & Bulls made to 277c to average 256c up 8c.

Feeder Steers were near too few to quote however renewed interest from crop and grass fatteners saw the results improve, those over 400kg making to 364c the average lifting 6c, Steers 350/400kg peaking at 382c to average 344c up 31c, Steers 280 to 350kg the better bred younger Steers in this class sold well to reach 392c however the small mixed offering bought the average back to 314c albeit this was an improvement of 34c. Heifers 350/400kg numbers halved and the overall gusto came off the boil to see a top of 296c to average 279c back 5c, Heifers 280/350kg topped at 288c to average 271c a rise perhaps in class aiding a lift of 13c.

Steers 200/280kg had no real theme & were mixed in breed etc, however that did not deter buyers to see the positives the best broke through the 400c barrier to reach 418c on occasion to average 373c up 47c, a cup full under 500kg topped at 399c to average 341c, Heifers 200/280kg saw mixed results in line with the lots offered, peaking at 276c to average 250c easing 7c, Heifers under 200kg also mixed in presentation and quality however buyer interest improved to see the average lift 16c at 250c with a top of 285c.

There were 2 x 2 ages Angus X Cows & Calves offered making $950 per unit.

BULLOCKS 500-550kg 38 305 336 325
550kg+ 92 318 345 333
STEERS Under 200kg 18 284 399 341
200-280kg 165 200 418 374
350-400kg 49 290 382 344
400-500kg 49 256 364 343
HEIFERS Under 200kg 85 140 285 250
200-280kg 169 100 276 250
280-350kg 149 200 288 271
350-400kg 77 248 296 279
Over 400kg 55 250 316 291
COWS 300-400kg 62 50 270 224
400-450kg 69 100 273 237
450-520kg 200 231 290 268
Over 520kg 170 212 295 283
BULLS Up to 450kg 13 255 264 262
450-600kg 4 185 272 239
Over 600kg 38 180 277 256
   Cows & Calves 2×2 $950 $950