47 F1 Wagyu Weaner Steers

47 F1 Wagyu Weaner Steers

47 F1 Wagyu weaner steers that present in forward store condition and are currently being yard weaned and educated. These steers are the result of an AI program where majority are sired by the Coates Itoshigenami G113 bull with the balance all sired by above average carcase weight fullblood bulls, out of Angus cows. The steers have been weighed to range approx 145kg – 265kg with an average of approx 198kg. Cattle are located 30km west of Baralaba and the vendor will offer them clear of the dip at Emerald or Moura. Please find attached sire document link of the Fullblood Wagyu bulls.

Price: $5.00 per Kg Weighed off truck Emerald or Moura

Link to Bull Pedigrees: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/34c5b7xigon5ejlwanh27/F1-Steers-Sire-Pedigrees.xlsx?rlkey=g4rxayhjdscy76i82luune9g7&st=gjgyws67&dl=0

Listing Details:

  • Listing ID: 889915
  • Status: Available
  • Number of Units: 47
  • Stock Type: Steers
  • Breed: Wagyu
  • Min Weight: 145 kg
  • Max Weight: 265 kg
  • Avg Weight: 198 kg
  • Vendor Bred: Yes
  • Horn Status: 5% Horned, 35% Polled, 60% Dehorned
  • Quality: Very Good
  • Condition: Forward Store
  • HGP Treated: No
  • Stock Location: Baralaba
  • State: QLD
  • Delivery Method: Clear of the Dip, Emerald or Moura
  • Agent: Longreach
  • Price Type: Per Kg
  • Price: $5.00
47 F1 Wagyu Weaner Steers
47 F1 Wagyu Weaner Steers
47 F1 Wagyu Weaner Steers
47 F1 Wagyu Weaner Steers
47 F1 Wagyu Weaner Steers
47 F1 Wagyu Weaner Steers
47 F1 Wagyu Weaner Steers
47 F1 Wagyu Weaner Steers

Contact The Agent

Dean Fogarty
Dean Fogarty
  • Livestock