
The TopX Gracemere story begins back in 2015 when founding principal Brad Mulvihill established the franchise. Later that year Brad purchased and merged the well know local agency RF Duncan & Co. Richard Thomson has been there with Brad as the business has grown and in 2022 another chapter began as Gavin Tickle joined the franchise. Based in the South Burnett Region, Andrew Wieland joined the team in 2023, expanding the business to the Burnett area. The TopX Motto is “Old Values, New Ways” and nothing rings truer than this to Brad and his team. RF Duncan & Co is the oldest registered agency in Australia, so TopX gives Brad, Gavin, Richard and Andrew and the ability to honour the old values while leveraging off a vast network and modern technologies.

Brad Mulvihill is a highly experienced livestock and property agent coming from an agricultural background and holds a degree in Agricultural Management. Brad has over 15 years’ experience selling at the Central Queensland Livestock Exchange (CQLX), Gracemere and with 20+ years in the Agency business Brad is committed to being known as high quality livestock and property agent and acting as an integral part of our clients’ business strategy.

Gavin Tickle joins Brad and the team bringing a new dimension to the TopX Gracemere franchise. Growing up on the land and accumulating over 20 years’ experience in the agriculture industry, . Gavin’s livestock industry knowledge has been gained from the operations and management of breeder herds, large scale backgrounding operations, feed lotting and sale yards, and during this time was exposed to many key industry leaders. Gavin has also acquired valuable knowledge in  large scale property management and development, project management and fabrication and as a qualified plant mechanic – site equipment and machinery maintenance.

Supporting Brad and Gavin is Richard Thomson. Richard has 40+ years’ experience as a livestock and property agent and delivers outstanding results for his clients while guiding and supporting the rest of the team particularly specialising in property sales. Richard is well known in, and around central Queensland and his knowledge of the area is second to none.

Andrew Wieland joined the team in 2023 and is based in the South Burnett region. Andrew brings a wealth of agricultural experience to TopX Gracemere. Beginning his career doing yard work and contract mustering, Andrew then progressed to managing the South Burnett Livestock Exchange which gave him access to valuable contacts within the industry. This practical experience and extensive professional network provides Andrew with the ability to support his clients in their business endeavours.

In 2024, the team expanded again, welcoming Grady Hansen. Grady grew up in Central Queensland and spent his youth participating in the local show circuits and working on his family’s stud. Wanting to expand his understanding of the agricultural industry, Grady completed a dual degree in Agribusiness/Sustainable Agriculture with the University of Queensland. This practical and technical knowledge of Australia’s agricultural industry makes Grady a real asset to the TopX Gracemere team.

Contact TopX Gracemere for all your livestock and property marketing needs in Central Queensland