Approx. 288×245 (16decks) of Good Quality BrahmanX and Composite Cows with Brahman and Composite Calves at Foot. Of age brands sighted cows range in age from 5-14 years, with approx. 30% being 5-7 years, 36% being 8-10years and 34% being 10-14 years. The cows range in frame size from small to large with approx. 40% small frame, 40% medium frame and 20% large frame. The cows are in store condition and look to weigh from 360-580kg to ave. 420kg. They are doing an excellent job on their calves. The quality of cows ranges from Poor to Very Good Quality with only a small % Poor and Fair Quality. There will be the odd cow with a dog bite, hip down or missing brush of its tail. The calves range from fresh to weanable, with a % of Brahman and Flat back calves. Ideal mob to take onto good feed and split. Cows will freshen well. Calves will grow out well to heavy feeder weights.
Asking: $1400 fore the cows and calves and $1200 for springing cows.
Ready for immediate inspection and delivery.