• Yarding Numbers: 2,171
  • Location: Gracemere
  • Date: February 14, 2025

Gracemere Combined Agents yarded 2,171 head consisting of 25 Bulls, 150 Cows, 862 Steers, 1,075 Heifers, 40 Cows & Calves and 19 Mickey Bulls. Competition was strong resulting in all categories seeing positive price increases. Despite the exception of a few pens, the weaner steer market was considerably stronger bearing in mind a lesser quality yarding of weaner steers were on offer than previous weeks.

Description Minimum Maximum Average
Steers 600kg+ 276c/kg 350c/kg 306c/kg
500-600kg 250c/kg 360c/kg 350c/kg
400-500kg 220c/kg 386c/kg 354c/kg
330-400kg 268c/kg 404c/kg 360c/kg
280-330kg 100c/kg 414c/kg 374c/kg
200-280kg 170c/kg 452c/kg 384c/kg
Under 200kg 210c/kg 450c/kg 386c/kg
Cows 600kg+ 293c/kg 293c/kg 293c/kg
500-600kg 268c/kg 306c/kg 288c/kg
400-500kg 232c/kg 307c/kg 268c/kg
330-400kg 210c/kg 276c/kg 245c/kg
Under 330kg 176c/kg 238c/kg 219c/kg
Heifers 500-600kg NQ NQ NQ
400-500kg 250c/kg 330c/kg 306c/kg
330-400kg 230c/kg 356c/kg 305c/kg
280-330kg 150c/kg 320c/kg 289c/kg
200-280kg 120c/kg 330c/kg 271c/kg
Under 200kg 180c/kg 288c/kg 258c/kg
      PTIC Cows NQ NQ NQ
      Cows & Calves $200/unit $2,300/unit $1,385/unit
Bulls Over 600kg 242c/kg 278c/kg 267c/kg
500-600kg 220c/kg 232c/kg 226c/kg
400-500kg 220c/kg 258c/kg 233c/kg
330-400kg 226c/kg 226c/kg 226c/kg


P Rolfe, Marmor sold Charolais Cross Steers for 444c/kg weighing 263kg to return $1,168/head.

Joy Wishart, Goovigen, sold Simmental cross steers for 398c/kg weighing 384kg to return $1,529/head.

L Dunne, Dingo sold Angus Cross Steers for 386c/kg weighing 452kg to return $1,745/head.

C & S Shelton, Gogango sold Brangus steers for 404c/kg weighing 360kg to return $1,455/head.

W & K Hale, Sarina sold Brangus steers for 452c/kg weighing 210kg to to return $952/head.

Grevillia Past Co, Biloela, sold Droughtmaster heifers for 330c/kg weighing 414kg to return $1,368/head.

Pittmoss Pty Ltd, sold Brahman heifers for 294c/kg weighing 356kg to return $1,047/head.

MG Miller of Midgee, sold Brangus weaner heifers to 314c/kg weighing 231kg to return $726/head.

M Woodard, Eidsvold, sold Brangus cows for 299 c/kg weighing 477kg to return $1,428/head.

J Cochrane of Theebine, sold Dairy Foster Cows topping at $2,300 and averaging $2,093/unit.