• Yarding Numbers: 7,468
  • Location: Roma
  • Date: February 18, 2025

A total of 7,468 head of cattle were consigned at Roma’s Store Sale on Tuesday.
Weaner steers under 200kg topped at 496c/kg and averaged 437c/kg, weaner steers in the 200-280kg range reached 470c/kg and averaged 423c/kg. Steers in the 280-330kg range reached 452c/kg and averaged 401c/kg, and steers in the 330-400kg range reached 424c/kg and averaged 368c/kg. Feeder steers in the 400-500kg range topped at 388c/kg and averaged 361c/kg.

Description Average c/kg Maximum c/kg Average

$ / head


$ / head

Steers to 200kg 437 496 780 933
200 – 280kg 423 470 1,037 1,235
280 – 330kg 401 452 1,220 1,368
330 – 400kg 368 424 1,349 1,513
400 – 500kg 361 388 1,610 1,852
500 – 600kg 340 366 1,803 2,059
Over 600kg 333 340 2,033 2,059
Heifers to 200kg 285 352 525 673
200 – 280kg 308 360 746 931
280 – 330kg 310 350 947 1,089
330 – 400kg 322 352 1,163 1,375
400 – 500kg 328 362 1,422 1,621
500 – 600kg 321 332 1,696 1,801
Over 600kg 327 335 2,132 2,283
Cows 280 – 330kg 178 182 570 573
330 – 400kg 214 255 803 994
400 – 500kg 271 307 1,241 1,510
500 – 600kg 287 316 1,562 1,788
Over 600kg 292 311 1,926 2,383
Bulls 400 – 500kg 256 300 1,188 1,350
Over 600kg 282 322 2,270 2,988
Mickey Bulls 330 – 400kg 289 320 989 1,067
400 – 500kg 298 302 1,361 1,455
PTIC Heifers
Cows & Calves 1,196 1,525

Highlights of the Day 

Brenda Station, Goodooga sold Angus cross steers to 470c/kg, reaching a top of $1,176 to average $1,087.  The Angus cross heifers sold to 360c/kg, reaching a top $840 to average $772.

R & S Rural Pty Ltd, Mayfield, Charleville sold Charolais cross steers to 452c/kg, reaching a top of $1,287 to average $1,277.

ID & JT Groves, Haughton Vale, Jundah sold Droughtmaster cross steers to 434c/kg, reaching a top of $1,868 to average $1,388.  The Droughtmaster cross cows sold to 298c/kg, reaching a top of $1,724 to average $1,363.

Jedburgh Pastoral Co., Jedburgh, Yaraka sold Hereford cross steers to 426c/kg, reaching a top of $1,830 to average $1,193.

M & F Bidgood, Katoomba, Injune sold Charolais cross steers to 424c/kg, reaching a top of $1,442 to average $1,396.

JMC Grazing, Letterkenny, Morven sold Santa Gertrudis steers to 406c/kg, reaching a top of $1,743 to average $1,384.

AR & YM Emery, Mt Beverly, Wallumbilla sold Angus steers to 400c/kg, reaching a top of $1,337 to average $1,266.  The Angus cross heifers sold to 322c/kg, reaching a top of $1,001 to average $952.

PJ & ME Brennan, For Far, Mitchell sold Brahman cross steers to 388c/kg, reaching a top of $1,634 to average $1,328.

Cornish Grazing Pty Ltd, Strathdale, Mitchell sold Charolais steers to 388c/kg, reaching a top of $1,615 to average $1,512.

RA & KA Crozier, Lynton Hills, Charleville sold Angus cross steers to 386c/kg, reaching a top of $1,588 to average $1,246.  The Santa Gertrudis cross cows sold to 296c/kg, reaching a top of $1,822 to average $1,549.

SF & HE Wilkin, Everbroke, Roma sold Santa Gertrudis steers to 380c/kg, reaching a top of $1,825 to average $1,810.  The Charolais heifers sold to 362c/kg, reaching a top of $1,584 to average $1,535.

Fabagol Pty Ltd, Toston, Condamine sold Angus cross steers to 340c/kg, reaching a top of $2,059 to average $1,947.

Heifers under 200kg topped at 352c/kg and averaged 285c/kg, while heifers in the 200-280kg range topped at 360c/kg and averaged 308c/kg. Heifers in the 280-330kg range topped at 350c/kg, averaging 310c/kg. Heifers in the 330-400kg range topped at 352c/kg, averaging 322c/kg. Heifers in the 400-500kg range topped at 362c/kg, averaging 328c/kg.

Stanford Grazing Pty Ltd, Ardlui, Roma sold Charolais cross heifers to 352c/kg, reaching a top of $1,561 to average $1,393.

DR Joyce Family Trust, Balcarris, Taroom sold Santa Gertrudis cross heifers to 352c/kg, reaching a top of $1,220 to average $1,102.

BJ & WR Taylor, Marjundale, Injune sold Charolais heifers to 350c/kg, reaching a top of $1,181 to average $1,083.

FL & MR Miller, North Kooringa, Roma sold Angus heifers to 346c/kg, reaching a top of $1,798 to average $1,488.

CD & RD Hay, Moonya, Wandoan sold Braford cross heifers to 336c/kg, reaching a top of $1,319 to average $1,128.

Studley Ag Pty Ltd, Studley, Roma sold Angus cross heifers to 335c/kg, reaching a top of $2,182 to average $2,129.

Ian Brumpton Holdings Pty Ltd, Oaklands, Roma sold Angus cross heifers to 334c/kg, reaching a top of $1,161 to average $1,068.

WL & MA Bryant, Cytherea, Mitchell sold Simmental cross heifers to 330c/kg, reaching a top of $2,283 to average $1,186.  The Simbrah cross cows sold to 300c/kg, reaching a top of $1,716 to average $1,716.

MB Coomber, Hillcrest, Roma sold Angus heifers to 318c/kg, reaching a top of $1,396 to average $1,317.

Pendine Pastoral Co, Pendine Station, Barcaldine sold Droughtmaster cross heifers to 296c/kg, reaching a top of $1,105 to average $932.

Cows in the 330-400kg range reached 255c/kg and averaged 214c/kg. Cows in the 400-500kg range topped at 307c/kg, averaging 271c/kg. Cows in the 500-600kg range topped at 316c/kg, averaging 287c/kg. Cows over 600kg topped at 311c/kg, averaging 292c/kg.

BP & LA Knight, Glenogie, Angledool sold Droughtmaster cross cows to 315c/kg, reaching a top of $1,591 to average $1,443.

Mt Hope Cattle Co, Wallumbilla sold Droughtmaster cross cows to 301c/kg, reaching a top of $2,016 to average $1,806.