• Yarding Numbers: 1,421
  • Location: Charters Towers
  • Date: March 12, 2025

Charters Towers Combined Agents yarded a total of 1,421 Cattle. Consisting of 459 Prime Cattle and 962 Store Cattle. The Prime Cattle consisted of 33 Bullocks, 96 Heifers, 300 Cows and 30 Bulls. The Store Cattle consisted of 503 Steers, 437 Heifers and 22 Cows & Calves.

Cattle comprised of very few heavy kill Cattle with small runs of quality Store Cattle on offer. The yarding was drawn from Camooweal, Hughenden, Einasleigh, as well as local and coastal areas.

Prime Quotes: Bullocks were quoted 10c easier, Heifers were 5c easier, Cows were 5c easier and Bulls were 10c easier on last week’s rates.

Description Category Wt. Range kg Head Price in cents/kg
Lowest Average Highest
Steers & Bullocks Medium Up to 500kg 18 248.2 258.3 266.2
Heavy Over 500kg 6 264.2 274.9 284.2
Heifers Medium Up to 540kg 95 190.0 245.5 256.2
Heavy Over 540kg 1 262.2 262.2 262.2
Cows Medium Up to 400kg 104 156.2 218.9 240.2
Heavy Over 400kg 187 218.2 237.3 244.2


Medium Up to 450kg 147 80.0 245.0 276.2
Heavy Over 450kg 13 150.0 235.4 248.2
  • Bullocks topped at 284c/kg for a pen of 2 sold on A/C PR & LA Gofton, Ingham that weighed 560kg to return $1,592 per head.
  • Best priced trade Heifers were presented on A/C JA & SJ Webster, “Balootha”, Julia Creek that sold for 250c/kg and weighed 477kg to return $1,192 per head.
  • The top pen of Cows was sold by A/C AJ Paine & Son, for 244c/kg, weighing 518kg to return $1,264 per head.
  • Bulls sold on A/C JA & SJ Webster, “Balootha”, Julia Creek topped at 252c/kg and weighed 730kg, to return $1,841 per head.

Store Quotes: Store Cattle were mixed in quality with isolated pens of quality Store Cattle yarded, with a large run of 180 quality Brahman Heifers consigned from Camooweal.

Description Wt. Range kg Head Price in cents/kg
Lowest Average Highest


Up to 200kg 74 222.2 250.9 282.2
200 – 320kg 266 160.2 261.7 278.2
320 – 400kg 22 266.2 280.3 290.2
Over 400kg 4 268.2 268.2 268.2
Mickeys Up to 400kg 147 80.0 245.0 276.2


Up to 200kg 115 170.2 224.5 256.2
200 – 320kg 242 190.2 251.5 266.2
320 – 370kg 75 246.2 254.5 266.2
  • A pen of 11 Steers A/C RB & DA Von Wald made 290c/kg and weighed 336kg, returning and average of $973 per head.
  • A good run of 180 Brahman Heifers on A/C LW & NL Miller, Camooweal made 254c/kg across the run, averaging 319kg returning an average of $811 per head.
  • 18 Cows & Calves sold on A/C Almora Pastoral Co, Burketown and returned $1,025 per unit.