• Yarding Numbers: 3,276
  • Location: Charters Towers
  • Date: March 5, 2025

Charters Towers Combined Agents yarded a total of 3,276 cattle, consisting of 1,517 Prime Cattle and 1,759 Store Cattle. The Prime Cattle consisted of 206 Bullocks, 193 Heifers, 985 Cows and 133 Bulls. The Store section consisted of 915 Steers, 786 Heifers, and 58 Cows & Calves.

Cattle comprised of a mixed yarding, with Prime cattle selling to slightly easier rates, in line with most major centres across the state this week. The yarding was drawn from Mt Isa, Hughenden, Torrens Creek, Croydon, Mt Garnet, Dimbulah, as well as local and coast areas.

Prime Quotes: With this being the first Charters Towers Sale for several weeks, the cattle aren’t quoted dearer/easier than last sale.

Description Category Wt. Range kg Head Price in cents/kg
Lowest Average Highest
Steers & Bullocks Medium Up to 500kg 115 172 270 294
Heavy Over 500kg 88 252 286 300
Heifers Heavy Up to 540kg 240 176 252 282
Cows Medium Up to 400kg 307 40 198 246
Heavy Over 400kg 623 110 235 270


Medium Up to 450kg 93 100 245 278
Heavy Over 450kg 100 164 254 272
  • Bullocks topped at 300c/kg for a pen of Brahman Ox sold on A/C BZ Cattle Co, that weighed 559kg to return $1,676 per head.
  • Best priced trade Heifers were presented on A/C Flute & West that sold for 278c/kg, weighing 540kg to return $1,502 per head.
  • The top pen of Cows were sold by HH Pastoral for 270c/kg, weighing 632kg to return $1,707 per head.
  • Bulls sold on A/C M & N Jones, topped at 272c/kg and weighed 500kg, to return $1,360 per head.

Store Quotes: Store cattle were predominantly made up of mixed quality lots, with isolated pens of weaner Steers receiving solid competition. Feeder weight Steers & Heifers were in short supply. Younger Heifers continued to see a softer market and limited re-stocker interest.

Description Wt. Range kg Head Price in cents/kg
Lowest Average Highest


Up to 200kg 188 200 273 314
200 – 320kg 376 170 275 314
320 – 400kg 131 220 265 286
Over 400kg 0 0 0 0
Mickeys Up to 400kg 264 100 246 286


Up to 200kg 90 140 220 252
200 – 320kg 612 150 241 268
320 – 370kg 46 210 257 258
  • A pen of 20 Steers A/C R & R White Family made 314c/kg and weighed 243kg, returned an average of $763 per head.
  • A good pen of 27 Heifers on A/C Kennedy Grazing made 268c/kg weighed 250kg returning $670 per head.
  • 8 x 8 Cows & Calves sold on A/C Ottley Capital returned $1,250 per unit.