• Yarding Numbers: 5,011
  • Location: Dalby
  • Date: April 17, 2024

The supply of stock at Dalby continues to climb with an increase of 2,196 head to a total of 5,011. Cattle were drawn from a wide area with 59 head from Victoria and 319 from far Western Queensland along with 4,633 from the local supply area. All the regular buyers were in attendance and active in a generally cheaper market. Yearling steers to feed at the time of this interim report have sold to a market 16c to 30c/kg less. Yearling heifers to feed lost 40c/kg and more in places. All classes of cows sold to a much cheaper trend of 30c to 34c/kg. Medium weight yearling steers to feed made to 352c to average 342c and heavy weights averaged 310c and made to 348c/kg. Medium weight yearling heifers to feed made to 304c to average 267c/kg. Heavy weight yearling heifers to feed made to 294c to average 259c/kg. Medium weight 2 score cows to restockers averaged 184c and made to 188c while those to processors made to 192c to average 180c/kg. Heavy weight 3 score cows averaged 201c and made to 210c/kg. The best of the heavy weight cows averaged 215c with occasional sales to 220c/kg. Heavy weight bulls made to 254c/kg. The weaner market started off soft but once gained momentum, with weaner steers topping at 430c/kg. Weaner heifers will read cheap overall only due to the quality drawn. As always, quality heifers topped at 324c/kg.

Bullocks 252 282 275
Feeder Steers 400-500 kg 280 348 307
Heavy Feeder Heifers >400kg 230 294 259
Slaughter Heifer 215 244 225
Heavy Cows >500kg 180 220 215
Medium Cows 420-500kg 138 195 180
Store Cows <420kg 100 158 130
Heavy Bulls >600kg 180 254 241
Light Bulls <500kg 188 250 230
Yearling Feeder Steers 300-400 kg 300 420 370
Yearling Feeder Heifers 300-400 kg 200 324 250
Weaner Heifers 200 325 285
Weaner Steers 298 430 350