• Yarding Numbers: 5,365
  • Location: Dalby
  • Date: February 26, 2025

Dalby agents penned 5,365 head including 607 from far Western QLD and 604 from NSW with the balance from the local supply area. All the regular buyers were in attendance and operating on a market similar to last week for the export lines, however heavy feeder cattle could not maintain last week’s rates. Restocker and background yearlings sold to firm prices and any variation was quality related. Light weight yearling steers to restockers made 464c to average 410c, with those over 280kg at 498c/kg. Yearling steers to feed for the domestic market made 378c with restockers paying to 400c/kg. Heavy yearling steers to feed sold to 378c and averaged 357c/kg. Yearling heifers in the 200-280kg range to restockers sold to 322c, with those over 280kg at 324c to average 299c/kg. Yearling heifers to feed for the domestic market sold to 340c, with heavy yearling heifers to feed topping at 358c to average from 318c to 327c/kg. Grown steers to feed made 368c to average 344c, with those over 500kg at 342c to average 339c/kg. Bullocks over 600kg to processors mirrored last week selling to 359c and averaging 354c/kg. Heavy 3 score cows improved by 3c selling to 295c and averaging 284c/kg. Good heavy cow prices remained firm to average 298c selling to 309c/kg. Light weight bulls to restockers made 325c to average 305c/kg. Heavy bulls to processors made 316c to average 297c/kg.

Description Weight Min c/kg Max c/kg Avg c/kg Change
Bullocks 330 359 354 +3
Feeder Steers 400-500kg 310 378 357 -23
Heavy Feeder Heifers >400kg 260 358 324 -1
Slaughter Heifer 260 340 308 +14
Heavy Cows >500kg 270 309 298 -1
Medium Cows 420-500kg 270 295 284 +3
Store Cows <420kg 220 270 251 -14
Heavy Bulls >600kg 270 316 297 -3
Light Bulls <500kg 270 325 305 +24
Yearling Feeder Steers 330-400kg 300 400 371 -24
Yearling Feeder Heifers 330-400kg 250 358 324 -1
Weaner Heifers 262 324 299 -22
Weaner Steers 302 498 396 -5